Lean Business Systems
Halbich GmbH

Reorientation and Chances for your company


  • Assumption of management positions and leadership of industrial companies as CEO, CRO or Managing Director within the scope of reorganization or restructuring activities.
  • Successful company stabilisation and realignment.
  • Measured Improvement of company performance metrics.
  • Active support of all shareholders as organisational changes as made within the scope of the mandate.

What is Lean Business Systems

The founder of Lean Business Systems, Anton P. Halbich, employs a structured approach based upon proven Lean and Management methods, to successfully realign medium-sized industrial companies with a focus on performance improvement. This approach defines Lean Business Systems. Whilst applying this methodology, Anton P. Halbich works in partnership with a network of industry experts, banks, international consultants and M&A advisors.


  • Leadership as fundamental company success factor.
  • Root Cause Analysis to uncover the reason for existing problems.
  • Know-How based upon industry experience.
  • Gemba Walks as a tactical instrument to quickly identify and solve daily problems.
  • Process improvement, restarting and monitoring.
  • Lean Tools for a streamlined and efficient operational implementation.


Lean Business Systems is primarily active in the following sectors:
Measurement Technology
Mechanical Engineering

More on Lean Business Systems:

Anton P. Halbich has lead and improved internationally renowned medium-sized businesses for more than 20 years. He graduated from the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany with a degree in General Mechanical Engineering, followed up with a degree in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University of North Rhein-Westphalia in Aachen, Germany.

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Why Lean Business Systems?

  • We have the practical experience
  • We have experienced your problems.
  • Our solutions work.